Drink diet for 7 days to lose weight quickly

It happens that you need to lose weight quickly for some event. Holidays, wedding, going out on the red carpet. Drinking a seven day diet will do this just fine. Nutritionists say that with a diet of this type, you need 4 to 10 kilograms, depending on the starting weight. The pounds lost on a drinking diet will not return if you follow all the recommendations.

drink diet to lose weight


Observe how you feel while dieting. If you feel dizzy, weak, with chills, see dark circles before your eyes, it is better to stop the diet. Beauty requires sacrifice, but not in the form of health. "Sitting" on a drinking diet is discouraged for people with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract (even gastritis is a contraindication to diet), diabetes, during pregnancy, minors and those whose work is associated with hard physical work.

How to prepare?

Ten days before the diet, gradually begin to reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200 kilocalories. Introduce more liquid cereals, soups, thick vegetable sauces in your diet, eliminate fatty and sweet foods. So the body will start preparing for the next diet and what is happening will not surprise you. You need to increase your regular water consumption. At least up to two liters. If you constantly forget, install an app on your phone that counts the amount of liquid you drink per day.

Basic principles of a drinking diet

All food must be liquid - this is the very name of the diet. However, this rule cannot be formally addressed. That is, drinking smoothies, cappuccino, packaged juices, and creamy soups means going on a formal diet. The weight in this way will not disappear, it will not even increase.

Remember that you can only eat low-fat meat and vegetable broths, dairy products with a fat content of no more than 1 percent, tea and coffee without sugar and cream, fruits and vegetables for smoothies should not be starchy. A meal is 300 to 400 milliliters. This is about 1. 5 glasses. There should be 5-6 such meals per day. Throughout the diet, it is necessary to drink about three liters of clean water a day.

Menu for every day

On the first day, it is recommended to drink chicken, fish or beef broth. You can add a little salt, but it is better to exclude it during the diet. On the second day, drink fermented baked milk, milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt. It is a milky day. Spend the third day on fresh vegetable smoothies and juices. Unsweetened fruits can be added, but not many. Make sure to dilute the juices with water in a one-to-one ratio.

The fourth day: drink fruit and berry decoctions without sugar. The fifth day is the day of all types of tea. Herbal is best, but green, red, and pu-erh are also possible. It is allowed to add a little milk there. On the sixth day, it is recommended to eat liquid pureed vegetable soups and on the last day to have a day of hunger. This is a strict diet option. If you suddenly want something to drink, but not on the list, you can afford it. If only the basic principles of the diet are followed.

Get off the diet

Nutritionists advise stopping the diet for two weeks. The first five days to eat are also fractional. Eat liquid cereals, creams, gelatin, dairy products. Starting from the sixth day, gradually introduce vegetable and fruit salads into the diet. On the 10th day: steamed fish, meat and poultry, baked in the oven. Then plan your menu yourself.